


I am a passionate, debt and budget counselor with my sights set on enabling everyone to attain financial freedom. I have always had a knack for numbers, money, budgets, and accounting. As a young child, I used to budget the $20 that I would get from my grandfather each month in this little book. I would write down everything I spent my money on, how much it was, and how much money I had left. I would even loan my sisters money sometimes and track the interest they had accumulated. So, I knew at a young age, how important it was to know what my money was doing.

I love people and I enjoy teaching adults. Teaching adults is rewarding to me because I can see your willingness to want better by how diligent you are in working to do better. I encourage each person to do deeper research and find what works for them. There are so many strategies out there!

I believe that financial freedom starts in the mind, success starts in the heart, and building a legacy starts today.